South London Magic Society Constitution
The name of the Society shall be called The South London Magic Society.
To promote the development of magic and the allied arts, and to encourage the preservation of the secrets and traditions of the magical fraternity
- Any reference to the male gender in these Rules shall be taken to apply equally to the female gender.
- Officers of the Society shall be the President, Secretary and Treasurer.
- The Committee may appoint a Vice President and such other Officers, other than those specified, as constituting the Committee, as it may deem necessary.
- In the absence of the President who will normally act as Chairman of the Meeting, the other members of the Committee will elect a Chairman for that meeting from among themselves.
- The President will serve a two year term and, at the intervening AGM, a President Elect shall be elected. The President Elect will have no powers unless he holds another office at the time. All other members of the Committee shall be elected each year at the AGM, retiring members being eligible for re-election. Nominees must give their consent.
- The Treasurer shall be responsible and accountable for the financial records of the Society. The accounts are to be audited annually by another member of the committee in February prior to the AGM.
- Meetings shall be held on the first Tuesday in each month, unless that Tuesday falls on a Bank Holiday or general holiday. In such a case, the meeting will then take place at the discretion of the President. Other meetings may be convened as necessary.
- All members attending the meeting and visitors must sign the Register.
- The Annual General Meeting will be held on the first Tuesday in March to receive and consider Annual Reports from the President and Secretary and a statement of Accounts from the Treasurer, and to elect officers and executives for the ensuing year. Resolutions and Nominations for office should be submitted to the Secretary before the AGM for the consideration of the members on the special form supplied. Late nominations will be accepted at the AGM for the election of officers, and by a show of hands for resolutions. Postal votes will be allowed provided they are received by the Secretary before the AGM.
- A special General Meeting shall be called on receipt of a requisition signed by at least six Members stating the object for which the meeting is to be called. The meeting shall be called by the Secretary within seven days of receiving the requisition, and no business shall be discussed other than that for which the meeting has been called. The Committee may call a Special General Meeting at any time should it be considered necessary.
- Any meeting of the Society at which Society business and/or magical effects are discussed or demonstrated shall be deemed to be a closed meeting. No visitor shall be admitted to any such meeting of the Society without the express permission of the President of that meeting and the payment of a pre-determined fee, if appropriate. The name of the visitor must be entered in the Register.
- Full membership of the Society shall be confined to persons of 18 years and over, unless by approval of the President and one other member of the Committee, who have an interest in magic or one of the allied arts.
- Each applicant for membership shall either be proposed by an existing member, the proposer being responsible for the candidates’ suitability of membership or interviewed by the President and Treasurer to ascertain their suitability for membership and to call upon him or her to demonstrate knowledge of magical effects either in front of a member of the committee or the Society before acceptance.
- A copy of this Constitution shall be supplied to applicants for membership. An entrance fee is payable on initiation.
- Any member may be proposed by another for consideration of Honorary Life Membership by the committee.
- The Committee shall have discretion to admit to associate membership, suitable persons not conforming to the above rules.
- Voting powers are limited to Full and Honorary members only.
- The annual subscription for the forthcoming year will be agreed at the AGM and will be known as the full membership fee.
- Subscriptions are due by the end of February each year. There will be a £5 fine for any member paying their subscription after this date.
- A member who is overdue in their payments will receive a letter from the Treasurer advising to this effect. The member shall then have 28 days to renew their subscription. If the member fails to renew they shall cease to be a member at the discretion of the committee.
- Anyone joining during the year shall pay a pro rata rate of the annual subscription.
- No refunds will be made to any member who resigns from the Society or who does not attend on a regular basis other than where extenuating circumstances prevail and the President, at his discretion, decides that a refund should be made.
- The committee shall have discretion to reduce the fees where a member who, for personal reasons is unable to attend, but wishes to remain a member of the Society.
Resignation of Members
A Member wishing to resign from the Society must forward written notice of his intention to the Secretary. In the absence of such formal notice of resignation the Member shall be liable for the subscription due for the current year.
Any member who is deemed to have brought the Society into disrepute may be suspended following a ballot by members at a specially convened meeting.
Alteration of Constitution
This Constitution may be added to, repealed or amended by resolution at any Annual or Special General Meeting, provided that notice of any such alteration shall be lodged with the Secretary not less than fourteen days before the date of such meeting. No such resolution shall be deemed to have been passed unless it is carried by a simple majority of the Members voting thereon.