Last trick I bought

West Beckenham Conservative Club 1 Sidney Road, Beckenham

This is "show and tell". As a bunch of you will have been to Blackpool I'm sure there will be plenty on offer but even if you didn't go the title still applies. So bring along a trick and show it to us.

Fool Us

West Beckenham Conservative Club 1 Sidney Road, Beckenham

Tonight our members present an effect with which they seek to fool a couple of expert magicians. The evening is very loosely based on the Penn and Teller show, with a couple of fairly major differences. Our judges aren't world famous, and the show is set in Beckenham rather than Vegas. Apart from that ...

Close-up Competition

West Beckenham Conservative Club 1 Sidney Road, Beckenham

NOTE - this is the SECOND Tuesday of May, due to the Magic Circle holding its Flea Market on the 6th This is always a good night. Details of how to compete will be circulated nearer the time.